Our cleaning method involves a two-step process. We begin with a wet/dry wash cycle in our Clearaudio Double Matrix Professional SONIC RCM using enzyme-based solutions. This effectively gives the records a soft "scrub", loosening any dirt, dust, lint and factory manufacturing residues. We then put your record(s) through the ultrasonic process in the KLAudio KD-CLN-LP200 cleaner on a 5/4 program (5 minutes washing, 4 minutes drying). When the cleaning process is complete, your newly cleaned records will be stored in a new MoFi-type anti-static inner sleeve, while the complete package will be protected with a "Blakes" outer sleeve (7” and 12”)
We use the Orb DF-01iA Professional Flattening Machine. The process takes a minimum of four hours per record. All records are required to be cleaned thoroughly by us (BEFORE and AFTER - included in price) before going through the de-warping process.